When it comes to healthy relationships, for a woman, a part of them is not just having the opportunity to speak out, but also being heard.
If there is a man nearby, the woman will rush to tell him everything that worries her, and the response is important here.
Canadian psychologists explained why not only physical contact is important for a woman. An attentive man simply must be able to listen to a woman, and here's why.

Woman and communication
When a woman has a man next to her, she is ready to share her experiences and concerns with him.
At the same time, she may be worried about a variety of things that perhaps she shouldn’t worry about.
But all this is because a woman, by virtue of her maternal instinct, foresees troubles or worries in advance.
And if something bothers her, then the man is simply obliged to turn into one big ear.
Man and communication
It is clear that a man quickly gets tired of what he sometimes has to hear from a woman.
Especially if the problem is trivial.
But it is important to let someone speak out, if only because unspoken feelings and emotions can spill out into a real storm.
But if you let her speak out, and then support her in time, when all her assumptions take on clear contours, then the man should take the floor and calm the lady down.
And the more often a man listens to a woman, the higher the results he will achieve, and the relationship will only improve.