How to Avoid Disappointment When Playing Secret Santa: Set Clear Rules

13.12.2024 12:43

Secret Santa is a fairly popular game that involves anonymous gift giving.

However, sometimes its participants feel resentment and disappointment instead of pleasant emotions. Negativity arises because the participants choose banal gifts, due to lack of involvement they can reveal their names, which makes the whole point of the game disappear, they are afraid of making a mistake in choosing a present, etc.

To prevent this from happening, all participants must follow simple rules.

Santa Claus
Photo: © Belnovosti

Clear budget

Before you start playing, set a reasonable limit. It should be within the capabilities of all players. Do not go beyond the established limits - you must strictly adhere to the limit.

Wish system

All participants can create a wish list, which should list their preferred gift categories.

Voluntary participation

People should not be forced to participate in the game under duress. Let them decide for themselves whether they want to take part in Secret Santa or not.

If you follow the established rules, Secret Santa will become not just a game for you, but a real holiday.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Clear budget
  2. Wish system
  3. Voluntary participation

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