What does excessive touchiness indicate: experts have revealed 3 facts

25.07.2024 16:39

Surely, at least once in your life you have encountered people who react violently to every unpleasant word or remark.

Such people are usually called vulnerable, possessing a delicate mental organization.

But it is worth understanding why such a reaction occurs at all.

Why can people be too touchy?


As a rule, we react sharply to the truth that we don’t like. A person without complexes simply admits that he is right and tries to correct his own mistakes.

And people with complexes consider any remark a personal insult.

Photo: Pixabay

Inflated self-esteem

Experts note that people with high self-esteem believe that no one has the right to criticize them, because in their own eyes they are the standard and perfect.

This approach to life can cause many difficulties in communication.

Psychological problems

Often it takes a long time and a lot of research to figure out what really causes extreme vulnerability. For some, the answers are found in childhood.

Other people had to go through traumatic experiences in adulthood.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. Why can people be too touchy?
  2. Complexes
  3. Inflated self-esteem
  4. Psychological problems