If you consciously or unconsciously avoid communicating with other people, we can talk about social phobia.
To cope with this, so to speak, “disease”, you will have to work on developing your communication skills.
1. Try starting with something simple: when you walk down the street, look people in the eye, trying not to look away.

2. As soon as the previous point stops causing you discomfort, try to start greeting people (the same ones you meet on the street).
3. The next level is to add the wish “have a good day” to the word “hello”.
4. Then try to start small conversations with strangers. The topic of conversation can be the weather, work or, for example, rest.
5. To level up the skill, approach groups of people and do exactly the same thing.
6. When all the previous steps become easy for you, approach strangers on the street and ask them to evaluate your appearance or yourself.
7. After this, ask people you meet along the way to judge or criticize you.
8. And the “icing on the cake”: repeat the same thing with groups of people.
Thanks to the completed sequence of actions, your brain will stop associating the communication process with something scary, but on the contrary, will begin to evaluate communication as a joyful event.
Earlier we listed 3 daily habits that deprive a person of the feeling of happiness.