Why People Actually Love Criticizing Each Other: Experts Reveal Unexpected Scientific Fact

05.06.2024 14:15

We encounter criticism almost every day: sometimes we may not even hear offensive words, but we catch “talking” glances.

And the person who is being criticized can also act in this way towards others.

Sometimes it seems like it's just unavoidable. However, it's always interesting to know what really makes us criticize others.

What is the scientific explanation for this phenomenon?

Experts have long ago discovered the real reason for criticism. As it turns out, we only condemn those people in whom we see competitors. Sometimes we don’t even realize it and really convince ourselves that we are criticizing a passerby for the lack of moral values when choosing clothes, and not because we subconsciously see her as a real competitor.

Therefore, when thoughts of this nature arise, we need to try to understand why we think that this or that person can be our rival.

Photo: Pixabay

After this, you can identify complexes that you were not even aware of before. This will be a very useful practice.

Not only will we be able to give up the unnecessary habit of criticizing others, but we will also become more confident people.

Previously, we talked about the secrets that will help you find peace of mind .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor