It turns out that there are not only extroverts and introverts: ambiverts - who are they?

03.06.2024 11:25

Many people are used to dividing people only into extroverts and introverts.

Those belonging to the first category are sociable and active.

Those who are characterized by introversion are focused on their inner world. They are taciturn and try not to attract attention to themselves.

It seems that everything is clear. But in life, not everything is so simple.

Dividing people only into active and withdrawn ones is not entirely correct.

Photo: Pixabay

It turns out that there are also ambiverts. The most interesting thing is that most people belong to this category, the existence of which many do not even suspect.

Who are ambiverts?

Ambiversion is an intermediate category of introversion/extroversion.

Ambiverts are people who are not as withdrawn as introverts, but not as active as extroverts.

Ambiverts can adapt to changes without problems and do not feel constrained when communicating with strangers.

At the same time, individuals belonging to this category do not like “empty” conversations, feel more comfortable in the company of old friends, do not strive to constantly expand their social circle, periodically need solitude, are not inclined to take risks and rash actions, know how to listen to their interlocutors and shut up in time.

Earlier we explained what a person's handwriting can say about him.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief