Why You Shouldn't Hold Resentments: Forgive Those You're Angry At

21.05.2024 11:34

The habit of holding grudges inside is very dangerous.

Yes, in life you often have to deal with unpleasant people who put psychological pressure on you and set you up.

It is understandable that a person takes offense at such interlocutors.

Photo: Pixabay

And yet we must find the strength within ourselves to forgive all those who have offended us.

Why is it dangerous to “accumulate” resentment?

A person who is very angry with someone and cannot get the conflict out of his head gets out of sorts.

It becomes more difficult for him to cope with life's difficulties.

And some people begin to almost revel in their own suffering. And this is a very dangerous situation: a person actually programs himself for constant failures and quarrels.

Want to start a new stage of life? Forgive those who offended you and try to understand them.

Believe me: this skill makes life much easier. In addition, stress resistance increases.

Don't "replay" conflict situations in your head: it's unlikely to help. It's better to forget about unpleasant incidents: it's unlikely to be possible to fix anything anyway. Move forward.

Earlier we talked about a simple psychological trick that helps you become happy.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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