Why People Bite Their Nails: Scientists List Reasons – From Evolution to Pleasure

26.04.2024 20:25

A curious discovery was made by Western scientists who set out to find out why people bite their nails.

Psychologists believe that the root of the problem lies in insecurity. But recent studies are radically changing the view of this phenomenon, which cannot always be called a problem.

Why do people bite their nails?

The curtain of secrecy was lifted by employees of the Institute of Mental Health at the University of Montreal in Canada.

Photo: Pixabay

It turns out that it’s not only insecure individuals who bite their nails.

Each person has their own reasons for this, scientists believe.

1. A completely normal and successful citizen can also bite his nails, but only out of boredom.

2. Sometimes people do this because of stress or insecurity. But in this case, the habit regulates the internal state and even provides some relief.

3. It gets even more interesting. Scientists have found that perfectionists bite their nails more often than others, especially if they have nothing to do.

4. An equally interesting point is the tribute to evolution and the habit of taking care of oneself and looking neat.

5. We must not forget about the pleasure a person gets from getting rid of an annoying cuticle or hangnail. In this case, the brain simply enjoys the results of the work.


Except in cases of mental disorder (there is such a thing), when a person deliberately bites off the tips of their nails, this is a completely harmless habit, scientists reassured.

Earlier we talked about how to get your interlocutor to agree quickly .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Why do people bite their nails?
  2. Conclusion

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