Living alone has its perks. You'll learn what they are from this article.
Lonely people have better social connections
People who are not in long-term relationships do not feel lonely: according to research, they have stronger social connections than those who are married.
Men and women who do not have partners more often communicate with friends and acquaintances, ask them for help, help them themselves, etc.

Lonely people are more likely to exercise
Singles visit the gym more often and generally devote more time to their health than married people. Accordingly, their body mass index is lower compared to that of married people.
Singles have more personal time
It is not surprising that loners spend much more time alone with themselves, and those who are more often able to be alone feel much freer. Among other qualities that are more developed in lonely people are creativity and sensitivity.
Single people spend more time on self-development
People who are not married spend more time on self-education and spiritual development. Another advantage of being alone is that such people are more open to new experiences and impressions.
Earlier we talked about what men need to know about women.