When Lying Is Really Necessary: 3 Cases When the Truth Will Be Unnecessary

01.03.2024 12:30

Let's not argue - lying is really bad, but there are situations when the ability to cheat can help save your nerves, strengthen friendship and relationships with loved ones.

First time

Let's imagine: an intern failed the task assigned to him, because of which you now have to redo all the work. Or your loved one cooked you breakfast in bed for the first time, at the sight of which you want to crawl under the covers and never get out. Or your colleague decided to speak at a corporate party, began to stutter and forget every second word.

Sure, you could fire the intern, tell your significant other to eat his breakfast alone, and show a coworker the video of his failure. But will that do any good?

There is another option – to lie. To an intern – that he did better than his predecessors and only needs to make minor adjustments. To a loved one – that he is a god in cooking, but you will be happy to help him in the kitchen. To a colleague – that he held up well and next time he will definitely do better.


We promise our friends that we will never lie to them about this. We will always tell them honestly, hand on heart, that their hair is a disaster, their makeup makes them look 15 years older, and their new dress is only suitable for their beloved dog's funeral. In general, this is very, very correct.

Photo: Pixabay

However, it is not always worth telling the whole truth straight out. If a fashionable beard makes your loved one look more like Homer Simpson than Justin Timberlake, there is no point in hiding it. But if your loved one is going to an important meeting and you tell him at the door that his hair really needed to be washed, this will not add to his confidence.

It is a well-known fact that self-confidence can compensate for many external shortcomings. Therefore, do not rush to talk about the shortcomings of the appearance of a person close to you if nothing can be changed. And it is better to lie that it is fashionable now.


We invite you to fantasize again. For example, about the fact that your gentleman gave you perfume that smells like a new air freshener for the toilet. Your colleagues chipped in and gave you a tea set that you would be embarrassed to take to the dacha. Your grandmother emptied all her savings, and now you look with horror at amber cufflinks.

Receiving gifts is very pleasant, if you like the present, of course. However, unfortunately, often the givers give something completely different from what we would like.

However, you shouldn't say everything you think about the gift outright. Smile, say that you liked it, and sincerely thank the giver. Agree, finding something truly worthwhile is not an easy task, especially when store shelves are overflowing with useless things. And besides, maybe someone will like these meaningless gifts. Find a new owner for them, and you will feel better.

We previously wrote about how to recognize a bad boss .

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. First time
  2. Appearance
  3. Present