If you read the biographies of geniuses, in most cases you can find the phrase that at a certain age these individuals did not stand out from the crowd in any special way.
But at the same time, such people cannot help but have special characteristics that would serve as a mark of distinction.
Here are some signs of a genius personality that will help you notice a gifted person in time.

Such people are considered to be creative thinkers.
Moreover, the process is so obvious that it is completely useless to hide it.
Creativity can manifest itself in solving everyday problems, not being age-appropriate, combining the incompatible, going beyond the boundaries of thinking, which ultimately leads to scientific discoveries or the creation of works of art.
Superpowers in a specific area
A genius will not move objects with his gaze or do other inexplicable things. As a rule, gifted people's brain abilities manifest themselves in the field of exact sciences or in the humanities.
For example, children may be straight A students but still not know how to tie their shoelaces.
Realizing your own calling
A genius feels his own strength and purpose. He can set a task for himself and work on it, making discoveries through hard work and stubbornness.
It has been noted that among geniuses, it is rare to find spineless people with a complete lack of willpower.
And another feature that distinguishes a genius mind is self-confidence, far from pride.
Geniuses are more often guided by their inner voice in their actions than by rational thinking. It is believed that they make their discoveries in a state between sleep and reality.
Views and abilities
And the last quality of a genius is his ability to see what is hidden from human eyes. And this is not about mysticism, but rather about a special way of thinking and looking at familiar things, allowing one to benefit from what is of no interest to others.
Earlier we talked about how to understand that a person is jealous of you .