They are said by people over 60: 5 favorite phrases of the older generation that should be forgotten

27.01.2024 02:20

Representatives of the older generation (people over 60) often consider themselves to be generalists. In other words, they are sure that they understand absolutely everything.

In particular, this concerns the so-called worldly wisdom, which an elderly person is a priori obliged to have.

Alas, sometimes everything happens according to the humorous saying about age coming alone (without wisdom).

Some phrases that are common among pensioners are actually incredibly toxic. And happy is the one who was able to understand this early and refuse to live by these principles.

Probably, first of all, we should name the famous Soviet question: “What will people (neighbors) say?”

Photo: © Belnovosti

In the modern world, the opinions of some abstract people, fortunately, hardly bother anyone anymore. But there are other, no less stifling statements that should be forgotten if you want to live a normal and psychologically healthy life:

"Money is evil!"

The subtext here is this: being rich is bad, but being in need is right and honorable. Perhaps in the USSR they really sincerely believed this. But that country no longer exists, so why turn into a young retrograde? It is quite normal to strive for the best, to earn more, to improve, to help loved ones, to travel, to not need anything. But to get stuck at the level of "living on one salary" is even scary.

"There's a time for work and a time for play!"

Yes, a well-known proverb. But its true meaning is completely different. It is translated as "everything has its turn", and not at all "work a lot, but rest little". Unfortunately, people raise children according to the second indicator, which leads to the emergence and glorification of workaholism. But a person is not obliged to plow until his last breath.

"If he hits you, it means he loves you!"

Here, as they say, no comment. If love is measured by the force of the blow and the amount of bodily harm inflicted, then talking to such people is useless.

They are not just psychologically toxic, but full-fledged domestic tyrants. And they instill similar medieval thinking in the children's heads.

"You can't laugh too much: then you'll cry!"

This is not even a superstition, but some kind of hidden envy of laughing and cheerful people. Among the older generation, there is such an unhealthy tendency: few of them smile and laugh.

They look at the carefree youth with disapproval and utter this phrase.

It turns out that if a person walks around with a face like he just ate a lemon, then that's normal. And what conclusion can be drawn from this? Certainly not a good or positive one.

So, grandparents may be worth listening to sometimes. But only when the young are on the same wavelength.

When an elderly person's speech is full of stereotypes, which are clearly imposed and not particularly smart, then they should be ignored.

Otherwise, there is a risk of turning into a young old man who is constantly dissatisfied with everything, grumbles, finds fault and provokes scandals in public places.

Earlier we talked about what phrases will help you make peace after a fight .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. "Money is evil!"
  2. "There's a time for work and a time for play!"
  3. "If he hits you, it means he loves you!"
  4. "You can't laugh too much: then you'll cry!"