With the arrival of a new year, many people strive to start a new stage of life with optimism and positive changes.
Therefore, it is worth remembering a few things that you must definitely do before February arrives in order to attract positive changes into your life.
House cleaning and tidying
According to many signs, if you thoroughly clean your home before February, it helps to get rid of old energies and attract positivity into your life.

Remove unnecessary things, ventilate the premises and feel how freshness fills the home.
And if the cleaning has already been done before the New Year, it should be repeated in any case.
Gifts and good deeds
February is considered the month of love and attention.
According to popular belief, if you manage to do at least one good deed or give something dear to your heart to a loved one before February, you will be able to attract happiness and well-being. Doing good deeds is not difficult at all.
Completing what was started
Unfinished business and unfulfilled promises can bring failure.
Before February, try to complete all started projects, resolve conflicts and close unpleasant chapters in your life.
In this way, fertile ground can be created for new beginnings.
Rituals of protection
There are many rituals and amulets that, according to superstition, can protect against negative influences.
Before February, try performing a cleansing ritual using candles to provide yourself with protection from negative forces.
Planning for the future
January is a great time for planning and goal setting.
Before February arrives, take some time to reflect on your wishes and plans for the year.
According to superstition, careful planning can bring good luck and success in the future.
This is a very simple step, but it is absolutely necessary to take it in order to change your life for the better.
Earlier we told you why you shouldn’t start new things on Monday .