Why you should put your fork on the table with the tines down: here's what you can avoid - a folk omen

10.01.2024 05:50

When setting the table, most people place their forks with the tines facing up.

It would seem that this is what needs to be done so that the sharp parts of the cutlery do not damage the surface of the furniture.

However, folk signs forbid doing so. Especially for those people who have not yet found their love.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is believed that placing the fork with the tines down helps to avoid one undesirable consequence.

What consequence are we talking about?

According to signs, a person who is used to placing forks on the table with the tines down will be able to avoid loneliness.

In other words, this type of serving does not deprive a person of the opportunity to find their soulmate.

But if a person puts his fork down with the tines facing up, then he may well remain alone.

The sign about the need to place cutlery with the teeth down should be observed not only by unmarried men and women, but also by family people.

It is believed that the correct placement of forks helps protect the married couple from quarrels and troubles.

Earlier we told you what dishes you need to keep full at all times so that your life is always rich and vibrant.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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