We all have deceased relatives or loved ones, and we often feel like they are nearby, or they can remind us of themselves in dreams.
Phenomena related to the other world cannot always be justified logically or written off as something that you imagined. Really dead people can contact us in different ways.
There are several reasons for this.

1. They are trying to warn you about problems or troubles that may happen in the near future.
2. When we feel bad, they can protect us or try to calm us down.
3. Sometimes the dead can show us a piece of the future and guide us on the right path.
One way or another, you will be sent signs that you should pay attention to. It happens that you were sitting and suddenly remembered someone who died.
This may mean that the soul has come to earth and wants to tell you something. Or you had a dream where you are told or pointed to some detail, here it is important to remember what exactly was said or shown, so you can understand what you need to pay attention to in life.
The soul may appear in the form of a bird, or you may feel an energy or touch nearby, perhaps you will see a reflection of a shadow or silhouette.
In any case, no matter in what form the soul appears to you, you must decipher its message in order to then direct the information in the right direction. There is no need to be afraid of this, as a rule, deceased relatives or acquaintances are trying to protect you from bad events. You only need to understand the meaning and sometimes retreat from your plans or, conversely, not abandon the business you have started.
Another important detail is that the dead may not only try to convey something to you, but also ask for help. We cannot know for sure how life after death works and whether there is life at all, but often the dead come in dreams and ask to do something or bring something to the grave. In such a situation, you should not be afraid or try to decipher the message differently.
If the deceased tells you that he wants something sweet, you should bring sweets to the grave or give them to people; if he says that it is dark or cold, put a candle or light a lamp at home.
There can be many examples, it is impossible to predict their requests, but you should take such moments literally and, if possible, fulfill their requests.
It also often happens that children see and can even play, and if you ask them who the child is talking to, you can get a name or an indication of who it might be. Most often it is "grandma, grandpa, aunt or uncle."
In this case, you too should remain calm and understand that, most likely, your child is being protected by one of the deceased relatives and they will not cause harm.
The souls of our loved ones are immortal, everyone can encounter a message from them or a request for help. The main thing is not to ignore them and learn to feel them. Then you will be protected.