At the moment, the trend of ignoring age is fashionable and relevant.
However, one can pretend that these are just “numbers”, but reality does not adapt to fashion trends.
Still, every person has to face certain age-related crises.

What difficulties do you have to face after 40?
At this age, diseases that you had never even suspected before begin to manifest themselves. The body's condition becomes less luxurious than it was before.
Therefore, more attention must be paid to ensuring that the body functions correctly.
Fading youth
Many people cannot come to terms with the fact that youth at forty has finally gone, so they need to “wear” their new age with dignity and elegance.
Instead, people spend money on plastic surgery and dangerous procedures because they simply cannot accept themselves with their age-related changes.
People who have strong families may face a serious challenge: it is at this age that one of the partners may decide to cheat.
As a rule, this is how men “solve” their midlife crisis, experts note.
If you haven't achieved significant success at work by the age of forty, then you can forget about a luxurious career. But not everyone accepts this idea with dignity.
Some people leave good positions and go in search of themselves, which is an extremely reckless step.