How to recognize a toxic person: a psychologist named 7 types of "toxic people"

28.04.2023 19:16

Each of us deserves to have loved ones and, what is important, adequate people around us. But the world is not like a fairy tale. There are many toxic people in it who negatively influence our lives.

Clinical psychologist of the “Clinic of Dr. Anikina”, author of the Zen channel “Ecological Psychologist” Stanislav Sambursky draws attention to the fact that they can be divided into types.

To protect yourself in the future or to recognize a toxic person in the present, it is worth considering them in more detail.

Conversational narcissist

Sooner or later, you have to enter into a dialogue with someone who does not let you say a word. Conversational narcissists talk only about themselves, and if they listen, then only to laudatory odes. It is impossible to talk over such people. They interrupt and, without asking about the needs of the interlocutor, continue their monologue.


These "toxics" are controllers of everything and everyone. Their goal is to make others think, speak and act as they want. If such a person encounters an opposing opinion, he will not calm down until he convinces the opponent otherwise.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Being in a relationship with a "straitjacket" means losing spiritual, verbal and emotional freedom. The right solution in this case would be to completely break off contact.

Emotional slacker

Being around a spiritual vampire means giving up positivity and joy. Every bright moment in life is colored negatively. A pessimistic attitude prevents you from seeing something good and bright in someone or something. Often, emotional scoundrels use humiliation towards people, which is difficult and unnecessary to endure.

Drama Magnet

This category includes people whose lives are full of difficulties. As soon as one of them is resolved, another one comes, and so on ad infinitum. They do not need advice or a plan of action to solve problems. They need to be in the position of a victim, because only in this way do they feel needed and in demand.

The main instrument of dramatic magnets is pity. It is like the light of a lighthouse, which so quickly makes people moor in the bay of eternal sorrow and darkness. Is it worth going there?


Incredibly toxic personalities. They are driven by self-hatred. It is so strong that it becomes impossible to build normal relationships with people.

Their jealousy manifests itself in the form of criticism, gossip and condemnation of absolutely everyone. They are perfect, others are terrible, disgusting and imperfect. As soon as you meet a person who zealously condemns others, it means that soon you will be in their place.


Everyone lies, but to varying degrees and for different reasons. If a person makes a habit of lying, if he has something to hide or exaggerate, then life with him will turn into unbearable torment.

Dishonesty is draining and makes you constantly expect a catch. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize a lie, but when it becomes obvious, then breaking off the relationship is the best solution.


Tank people are impenetrable armor, an unshakable sense of superiority, a demonstration of intelligence and a desire to be on a pedestal. Every conversation is a challenge that must be accepted so that the opponent breaks under the weight of authority. To establish a strong friendship or build a relationship with such a person means to trample yourself in advance and forget about self-esteem.

The seven personality types listed above are common, so it is important to learn to resist them and not give in to their tricks. One of the effective methods against the influence of "toxic people" is the word "no".

If you notice or feel that:

  • are obliged to always come to their aid or solve their problems;
  • don't want to see them;
  • you feel like your energy is leaving you when you talk to them;
  • when "toxic" people are around, you feel sad;
  • they force you to gossip and feel angry;
  • It's like you have to impress them;
  • you are involved in their problems;
  • they don't care about your life;
  • They ignore the word "no" - it means it's time to cut off contact.

Throughout life, a person cares about immunity. He wants to be healthy and strong. But if there are "harmful" people nearby, then even with a healthy body, life can turn into torment.

Immunization against "toxics" is designed to protect each of us, and to attract wonderful, adequate and loving people to take their place.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. Conversational narcissist
  2. Straitjacket
  3. Emotional slacker
  4. Drama Magnet
  5. Jealous
  6. Fibber
  7. Tank