All as if selected: why your business will succeed if you check employees by date of birth

24.03.2023 13:47
Updated: 14.04.2023 21:01

For some, business is just another source of income, but for others it is the dream of a lifetime.

Highly qualified employees can use all their experience to increase the company's profits several times, while unlucky subordinates can drag the entire enterprise down like a stone.

How can you tell if your organization only employs ambitious, effective, and “right” employees?

“Check your date of birth,” says Alex Roytblat, an expert at the online publication Belnovosti and an international digital psychologist.

Three criteria of a person

Typically, recruiters pay attention to a number of factors in the applicant: gender, age, appearance, practical skills, education and, of course, work experience.

Photo: Pixabay

However, digital psychologists also recommend looking at the date of birth, so as not to waste your time or someone else's. It will be unpleasant to learn that a person's abilities do not match those stated in the resume, and their character will not allow them to easily fit into the team.

Experts suggest calculating three things: the number of consciousness, the number of mission and the personal year of a person, which are the code of the soul and purpose. These numbers will tell what kind of worker he is by nature, what he strives for, whether fate will be favorable to him.

Number of consciousness

According to the teaching, the day a person was born determines his character: whether he will be a creative person or will be closer to mathematical analysis, whether he will be interested in relationships or only money.

An employee with consciousness 5 (born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd) is a person of communication and freedom. You can't just sit him down at the computer and lock him in the office, it will be very difficult for him, because the soul will crave movement, communication. For him, freedom is more important than money. But people with the number 5 become ideal merchandisers or salespeople, workers in the field of communications. At the same time, "fives" are very vulnerable. If the boss is rude, offends, harshly criticizes, the person will quickly quit.

Another example is a worker with the consciousness number 3 (born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st). This person is systematic, pedantic, inclined to analysis. He needs clear instructions, which he will perceive as instructions, but he cannot live in a state of chaos, he needs order.

Mission number

If you add up all the digits of the full date of birth, and then again until there is one digit left, you can determine the number of a person's mission (what he will be after 33 years). According to digital psychologists, it will tell you how a person will be realized.

A manager with mission 1 will be focused on power. He is born for a leadership position, to give orders and build a personal system. It costs him nothing to organize any event, forum, conference, it suits him. This sphere of activity will be comfortable.

But a person with mission 3 is a more systemic manager; it is important for him to work not on a specific project, but on the overall process of interaction with people.

Personal year

To understand whether the year will be fateful for a person or will bring a lot of trouble, people turn to digital experts. Business is no exception, because a fatal mistake promises broken contracts and multi-million dollar losses. Entrepreneurs "scan" their potential colleagues before they take a high position.

If the personal year number is 4, this is a year of mysticism, ancestral goals and building a life vector in general. Such a person will truly succeed in a business that scales, grows, opens branches.

And a subordinate with the number 7 will go through a year of crisis and transformation. It is better not to put the "Seven" in a leadership position, otherwise he will make a mistake, break a deal, lose money - in a word, "screw up". At the same time, the career of the number 7 will develop successfully next year.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. Three criteria of a person
  2. Number of consciousness
  3. Mission number
  4. Personal year