Why do people attract misfortune to themselves and how to get rid of it

23.03.2023 06:50
Updated: 14.04.2023 20:00

There are such people – just walking misfortunes, real magnets for troubles. Whatever they do, problems stick to them – one after another.

However, in every person’s life, from time to time there come periods when trouble seems ready to pounce from around every corner.

And suddenly work is not going well, and health is failing, and complete chaos begins in your personal life - and all this at once, in one moment. A black streak, nothing less.

But what is the reason for this series of troubles and why do some people live in such an unhappy reality all their lives? Is it possible to somehow fix all this? Let's figure it out.

Destructive thoughts, emotions and habits

No matter how great the temptation may be to blame other people, external circumstances or some supernatural forces for our own failures, often the reason lies within ourselves – in our character and way of thinking.

Young woman
Photo: Pixabay

For example, if a person is a pessimist, constantly complains about life, deliberately considers himself a loser and constantly puts things off until later, he thereby programs his subconscious so that his thoughts and expectations come true.

Our subconscious is incredibly complex and at the same time terribly simple. It is strong and powerful, but it is guided by emotions and images, without the ability to comprehend. Therefore, when we think about something, it does not reason whether it is good or bad, but simply strives to lead us to a goal or destination. It is this ability of the subconscious that makes us say that “thoughts are material.”

Correcting the situation: start changing for the better, including becoming bolder, more active and self-confident, getting rid of negative attitudes, fears, and grievances. This work is not easy, but the result will be worth any effort. Sometimes you can’t cope with all this alone – then you need to seek help from loved ones or a psychologist.

Loneliness or bad company

A streak of life's hardships often overtakes those who, for some reason, become lonely. Each of us needs at least one close person who will always understand, support and help. If such a person is not nearby, then it becomes much more difficult for us to cope with life's hardships, so they begin to accumulate and overlap, increasing like a snowball.

This also applies to bad company. Sometimes we encounter people who do not provide help and support, but pull us down, cultivating and developing the worst traits and qualities in those around us. It is not surprising that with such friends, troubles in life become more and more.

Correction of the situation: find real friends and break off all communication with dubious individuals.

Disturbed biofield

Various occult and religious teachings assure us that the human body is not limited to internal organs, muscles, bones and skin. There is supposedly an invisible shell around our physical bodies, which is called a biofield. The biofield supports life in us, gives us spiritual strength, and protects us from various threats.

But the biofield is vulnerable – it can become thinner, and gaps can appear in it. When this happens, a person begins to be haunted by failures and troubles in all areas of life.

There can be many reasons for this. For example, the biofield suffers when a person experiences stress or when powerful destructive emotions rage in him that do not find an outlet. Or when a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle: he has bad habits and addictions, he works a lot without rest. And sometimes the biofield suffers due to external reasons, for example, due to an "energy vampire" who continuously deprives others of vitality.

Correction of the situation: start filling yourself with positive energy; take it from everywhere you can – rest more, communicate with good people, do pleasant things, practice meditation or other relaxation techniques.

Damage, evil eye, curse or other magical influence

The biofield can also suffer from magical influence from the outside: for example, if some ill-wisher has cast a spell or other harmful magic, if someone has cursed or jinxed. Then the person begins to be haunted by failures in all spheres of life.
Only damage is an exclusively purposeful magical effect, it is induced by special rituals. But you can curse and jinx someone unintentionally: when you are in an excited state, under the influence of strong emotions. For example, you can envy someone's success and accidentally jinx it. Or during a quarrel, you can accidentally curse someone, uttering words like "May you be damned" in anger.

Correction of the situation: damage, the evil eye or a curse can only be removed by special rituals. Believers are helped by turning to prayers.

Bad karma

Bad karma can also be the cause of constant bad luck in life. The concept of karma came to us from Indian religions: they imply that any human activity, be it an action, a word, or even just an impulse of the soul, has consequences. And everything that happens to us at this very moment is both a consequence of what we did in the past and the cause of what will happen to us in the future.

In simple terms, karma is retribution for sins or reward for virtues. If a person did good in the past, then only favorable events will occur in his present, but if he did evil, troubles and failures await him.

However, in Indian religions it is believed that a person does not live one life, but is constantly reborn. Therefore, he is responsible not only for what he did yesterday, several days or years ago, but also for what he did in his past life. That is, we can suffer without even understanding why and for what.

Correcting the situation: it is impossible to avoid paying for what has already been done, but it is possible to repay negative karma with good deeds.

You just have to work hard. You have to get rid of bad habits and destructive thinking, help others, do good deeds.

The destructive power of words

The habit of pronouncing certain words or phrases can also bring misfortunes and failures into life. It is known that our speech has enormous power. Good words are endowed with powerful positive energy that changes everything around for the better. It is not without reason that doctors recommend that relatives of sick people casually use special words with a positive connotation every day: for example, light, sun, joy, warm, soft, yellow, and so on.

But words with a negative connotation spoil, harm, and devastate. They can even cause illness! Curses and self-curses, swearing, insults, foul language, frequent mention of evil spirits or the Lord's name in vain - all of this has a very negative effect on the energy of the one who pronounces these words.

Frequently saying phrases with the particle "not" is also a bad habit. It's all about the subconscious again: if, for example, a person constantly says "I don't know/don't know how/can't", then he programs himself to really "not know/don't know how/can't".

Correction of the situation: pay attention to your vocabulary and correct it. Particular attention should be paid to the words that you pronounce every day automatically, without even thinking about them. It is necessary to replace the "bad" words used in everyday speech and increase the number of positively colored words.

Bad energy in the house

The reason for constant failures can also be bad energy in the house. This is really very important. Only at home can a person feel truly safe, calm and confident, only here can he be himself, relax and recharge his batteries.

But if a person also feels uncomfortable or anxious at home, he does not receive the necessary energy release and recharge, and a series of troubles and failures begins in his life.

Sometimes an uncomfortable atmosphere in the house is connected with the relationships between household members: constant quarrels, misunderstandings and grievances disrupt the energy of the space.

But more often the reason lies in the banal clutter of the home. Dust and dirt, old and unnecessary things, inconvenient placement of objects when they are out of place - all this hinders the flow of positive energy. The most destructive force is believed to be possessed by broken mirrors and cracked dishes, clothes with holes (especially if they are in pockets), non-working equipment, wilted flowers, as well as objects carrying the energy of death (for example, things of the deceased).

Correction of the situation: set a goal to transform your home into a stronghold of coziness and harmony. To do this, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary and obsolete, do a general cleaning, and then furnish the house as you want and fill it with positive symbols: fresh flowers, amulets, talismans.

Universe vs.

Misfortunes can also rain down on a person's head if the Universe itself literally turns against him. However, there is no need to be afraid - all this is not so fatal. The Universe does nothing for no reason, and it has no goal to harm - only to give a hint, to send an important sign.

With a series of troubles, she wants to tell a person: you are doing something wrong, you are choosing the wrong path. This means that fate itself does not accept your plans and throws you various adversities, saying that you need to reconsider your life.

Correction of the situation: review priorities, realize true desires and separate them from those imposed from the outside, and then start changing your life. If you can’t cope on your own, you can ask your loved ones for advice or seek help from a psychologist.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Destructive thoughts, emotions and habits
  2. Loneliness or bad company
  3. Disturbed biofield
  4. Damage, evil eye, curse or other magical influence
  5. Bad karma
  6. The destructive power of words
  7. Bad energy in the house
  8. Universe vs.