What awaits us in 2023: apocalypse, UFOs or scientific discoveries

27.01.2023 14:57

Marina Ivashina , psychologist, Human Design analyst and creator of the Lifetutor school of self-knowledge, told us what to expect this year and how to prepare for the upcoming events.

Human Design as a system of personality analysis and world structure includes various methods of forecasting events:

  • global evolution of humanity within the framework of 400-year eras;
  • cyclical nature of history by periods;
  • transits of the year and every 6 days.

And if we look at it on a large scale, we are now in the middle of a mutational transition from the era of the Cross of Planning to the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. What does this mean and how does it feel in our lives?

For example, the need for a family and having children is becoming a thing of the past, and along with them the questions: “when will you get married?”, “when will you have your first, second…?”, the “childfree” movement appears, the age of starting a family shifts. Moreover, the very form of relationships changes from patriarchal to equality and partnership.

Also, everyone has probably noticed the boom of soft niche specialists and virtual professions instead of receiving an education in the field of applied skills and manual labor. The exclamations of parents: “Get a normal profession and work in a factory” are heard less and less often.

Photo: © Belnovosti

And another striking point is the transition from the syndrome of postponed life and planning for the future like "this is for a holiday, this is for the best day, this is for a funeral" to life and distribution of resources here and now. And this is the need to make decisions quickly, take responsibility for them, i.e. the speed of perception of information and the frequency of turning to psychologists and psychotherapists increases.

Large deals will fall apart, both internationally and domestically, and this is a global restructuring of borders and territories, the economy, currency, health and education institutions, religious foundations and confessions. Ultimately, we will come to private, individual deals "you to me, I to you." And, of course, before any destruction of the old and what does not work, any structures and people will have resistance.

If we look at the period as a whole, the trends of the next five years are the development of emotional intelligence and empathy, individuality and uniqueness in style and personal brand, introverted ways of interaction and changes in the nutrition system, and a complete departure from animal food is possible.

If we look specifically at this year, it is the most mutational for the body. Why is that? Scientists have proven that the human body is completely renewed at the cellular level in seven years.

The new era begins in 2027, the transformation process - in 2020, i.e. now we are at the very peak of changes. Accordingly, this year is definitely about health. And the first recommendation is to support yourself this year with clean eating, sports, massages, body therapy, immune complexes, undergo examinations on time and replenish deficiencies.

On the other hand, this same year will bring us many discoveries in the field of physiology, medicine, space, which will turn our consciousness and understanding of our existence in the Universe upside down. What will it be? Will a UFO arrive? We will find out very soon.

In addition, 2023 can be called the year of the waiter. There is little energy that must be wisely distributed on true desires and not spent on unnecessary things in life, at the same time, many questions and thoughts appear, great pressure on the psyche and development through a personal crisis.

In 2022, we had to understand who we are, what is the essence and truth of each, and decide on our mission and choice.

In 2023, it is important to answer the following questions:

  • where am i going?
  • where do i want to live?
  • where can I realize myself?
  • what is my path? ⠀

This applies to the place of residence, and to the work of life, and to the profession, and to finances, and to relationships. Consequently, this year is expected to be a big explosion of moves, changes of housing and work, travel, weddings and divorces. The latter will be even more pronounced from April to July.
And if we go even more specifically and look at the picture by months and significant events, we can assume:

  • a wave of loud statements in March and the beginning of the disclosure of world secrets;
  • a split in a large organization, union of countries, or institutions from January to April;
  • sensational movements in the currency market and economic news since the end of April;
  • sensations, an emotional explosion similar in strength to February and September of last year in August-September.

This year will definitely be remembered for its restrictions, rigidity, new orders, unexpected changes and discoveries of a new path. I would call it tree snares, like in Harry Potter: the more you tense up, the faster it will kill you. Therefore, the only right decision is to relax.

Take care of your emotional and physical health. Do detox, practice austerities, meditate, create a clear system of planning, sleep, nutrition, tidy up your home and thoughts, let go of everything unnecessary, accept everything that happens, learn to be grateful and love. We will exhale in mid-2024.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal