Stylist talks about the connection between clothes and the character of an office worker

17.01.2023 15:26

Stylist Miranda Holder told the Daily Mail that an employee's appearance can be used to determine their character.

This applies to those people who work in an office and are not forced to wear a uniform every day.

The specialist noted that wide black trousers are more often preferred by responsible and executive people.

Most often they hold the position of assistant manager or are administrators.

If a person prefers flat shoes, for example, ballet flats, if we are talking about women, then this may indicate that such a person likes to create comfort around themselves, is used to having good relations with colleagues, can treat them to homemade baked goods. But this does not mean that such an employee cannot complain to management.

Work, office
Photo: Pixabay

If a woman most often chooses an outfit that consists of a shirt tucked into trousers, then this may indicate that such a person is accustomed to competition.

If an employee constantly chooses cardigans, but prefers translucent materials, this means that she can support any person, but at the same time is not always able to keep a secret.

Stylist Holder also noted in a conversation with journalists that one should pay attention to outerwear.

If a person chooses a coat made of prickly material with a hood or belt, this indicates that by nature such a person is an introvert who prefers to do his work calmly and silently.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor