Not everyone knows how to deal with mold in the bathroom.
Marina Michalap mold deal with mold tips for housewives Useful tips 16 August 2024Experienced housewives recommend not rushing to the store for household chemicals, but using proven folk remedies
Olga Kotova Fighting mold mold cleaning means Useful tips 31 January 2024High humidity often leads to mold growth and should be dealt with immediately.
Olga Kotova bathroom mold cleaning Useful tips 8 January 2024Many of us have already encountered the problem of black spots appearing on the shower curtains, which is a sign of mold growth.
Dmitry Liskovich bathroom mold Useful tips 18 December 2023Mold in the bathroom is not such a rare occurrence, and its appearance is due to the high humidity that reigns in this room.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom cleaning the apartment mold mold on the walls mold in the apartment Useful tips 4 December 2023