Why You Shouldn't Agree If a Man Asks You to Marry You on the First Date: You're Most Likely to Be an Aggressor

31.12.2024 17:40

If a man already on the first date demonstrates excessive enthusiasm and suggests moving in together, marrying him or taking another serious step, you should be wary.

At first, it may seem to you that you have met the partner of your dreams: he is so confident in you that he is ready to build a serious relationship within minutes of meeting you.

In fact, this kind of behavior is often typical of manipulators and domestic tyrants.

The main goal of such men is to tie you to themselves as quickly as possible.

How to Recognize a Master of Manipulation

If at the beginning of a relationship your partner shows attention to detail, guesses your wishes, showers you with gifts and easily wins the sympathy of your loved ones, you may think that you are looking at a hero from a romantic movie.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But once you find yourself in a carefully constructed trap, the situation changes radically.

Before you know it, your chosen one will begin to devalue you, humiliate you, and gradually take control of all areas of your life.

Therefore, when you see an overly ideal man, you should turn on your brain and think about whether your relationship is developing too quickly.

Red flags are excessive attention, quick declarations of love, promises of an ideal life, etc.

How to avoid such situations

If you don't want to try on the status of a victim, give yourself time to get to know the person better.

Pay attention not only to how he treats you, but also to his behavior towards other people.

Of course, you shouldn't rush into making important decisions.

Lastly, trust your feelings: if something makes you feel anxious or worried, it’s better to take a break.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. How to Recognize a Master of Manipulation
  2. How to avoid such situations