Why lovers should hold hands more often and what touch can tell about feelings

10.02.2025 16:13

Lovers often hold hands. Not because it is simply pleasant to feel a person dear to the heart nearby - it is also a way of non-verbal communication.

Few people know this, but habit has a healing power, almost as powerful as a hug.

Psychologists recommend that all lovers hold each other's hands more often to strengthen the emotional connection, overcome circumstances more easily, and even improve sleep.

Why You Should Hold Hands More Often

1. This is the easiest way to overcome fear, anxiety and nervousness.

The first thing a person does in such circumstances is to seek support. It is good if it is the hand of a loving person.

Photo: © Belnovosti

2. The clasped palms of lovers symbolize care and support.

3. Like any touch to the body of a loved one, it leads to the synthesis of the hormone of trust and love – oxytocin.

This makes the relationship stronger, which helps avoid quarrels.

4. It is also believed that palm to palm helps reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

And this already reduces the risk of disease, insomnia and is a way to preserve youth.

5. It is also recommended to hold the hand of a loved one when you have insomnia. It relaxes, relieves pain, and ultimately helps you fall asleep.

It is also a sign of high trust and care for each other.

What touch says

There is a lot that can be said about the way lovers hold hands.

For example, palm in palm speaks of responsibility, and if lovers hold each other with one finger, this is already flirtatiousness.

If we are talking about casual touching, then this is a manifestation of sympathy.

If someone holds your wrists, it means you are considered attractive.

The way you hold your hand indicates security, while interlaced fingers indicate care.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Why You Should Hold Hands More Often
  2. What touch says