At first, lovers are ready to spend days and nights together. Then only nights become enough.
Soon it begins to seem that it would be nice to spend not only days but also nights separately, so to speak – to take a break from each other. Many couples practice such relationships.
But should spouses or partners spend their vacations together, or will a break from each other not hurt? experts answered this question.
Rest and vacation
It turns out that there is a difference between these concepts.
Vacation is a time that is planned in advance.
One way or another, they spend it together, but it happens that the schedules do not coincide, and there is nothing to worry about.
But a vacation, as time spent together, does not mean that the couple is resting, especially if the relationship is far from harmonious.
In such cases, separate vacations come to the rescue, when the man and woman do not have to be in different parts of the world.
It is important that at this time they re-evaluate their long-distance relationships.
Psychologists believe that this is the best time to answer the question of whether they are partners, a couple, or simply accustomed to each other's presence.
What does it mean
This does not mean that after a separate vacation, a man and a woman will decide to divorce.
It may be that they will make their relationship better, find a compromise, and so on.
But in some cases, a separate vacation can serve as an impetus for a showdown, or can be seen as revenge.