How to Argue with Your Partner Properly: All You Need is a Piece of Paper and a Pen

12.12.2024 18:25

If you don’t want to ruin your relationship with someone close to you with your own hands, you should adhere to some principles during a quarrel.

Soften the beginning of the conversation

Are you going to confront your husband about his lack of housework? Don't start with an attack. Instead, use your own feelings as an "introduction."

Instead of using the phrase, "You don't care about your family and you always forget things," say, "I wish you would help me more around the house."

Brake in time

Let's agree: in the heat of an argument it's hard to hit the brakes, but this skill is simply necessary.

Formal phrases will help you with this, which for both of you will mean a step towards reconciliation. Afraid of forgetting? Print it out and hang it in a visible place.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Be prepared to compromise

Start discussing the problem only when you have completely calmed down. The highest level of skill is to start from this stage: then you can avoid a quarrel altogether.

Try this trick: Draw two circles on a piece of paper, placing one inside the other. In the inner circle, write down what you cannot compromise on, and in the outer circle, what you are willing to compromise on.

Your partner should do the same, and then compare your notes. This way, you can clearly see where your fundamental differences lie, and where you can meet each other halfway.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Soften the beginning of the conversation
  2. Brake in time
  3. Be prepared to compromise