What are the 3 difficulties that arise at the beginning of a relationship: what you shouldn’t forget

12.09.2024 22:00
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

For some, the initial stage of a relationship is the most enjoyable, as it is associated with dates, romance and surprises.

Some people remember this period with a shudder, because they could not find a common language with their loved one.

What are the 3 difficulties that usually arise?

You don't understand your role in a person's life

Both men and women can initially date different people, choosing the best option for themselves. Not everyone is satisfied with this situation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It becomes difficult for us to understand our role in a person's life if we unwillingly take part in some kind of competition.

Taboo topics

Some people have very painful topics that they can only discuss with their closest friends. But we can't know about it.

That's why sometimes a casual conversation can lead to a disagreement.


Everyone has their own "set" of habits, which you only get used to over time. Therefore, at the initial stage, this may be difficult.

You also have to get to know the character of the new person and try to adapt to him.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the 3 difficulties that usually arise?
  2. You don't understand your role in a person's life
  3. Taboo topics
  4. Habits

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