We all know the old saying: a word is not a sparrow; once it flies out, you can’t catch it.
It is worth remembering this every time you communicate with a girl: some accidentally spoken phrases can cause offense in a representative of the fair sex, and it will be impossible to build any relationship with her - even a friendly one - after this.
In this article you will find a list of phrases that should never be said out loud.

How old are you?
You shouldn't ask ladies about their age - not everyone agrees to reveal these numbers, especially if they are already "over"...
It seems you have gained weight.
It is quite possible that you will not even be able to finish this sentence - the girl’s reaction can be truly unpredictable.
General compliments
Instead of saying, for example, “you are beautiful,” etc., try to pay attention to the girl’s individual characteristics.
Phrases like “what beautiful eyes you have”, “gorgeous hairstyle”, “those earrings suit you so well” are a great option.
Let's split the bill?
Be a gentleman and pay your own bills in restaurants, cinemas and other public places.
If you offer to split the bill, you will most likely never see this girl again.
You look amazing today!
It's better not to focus on specific dates, because the girl might think that just yesterday she seemed unattractive to you.