When Should a Woman Be Jealous of Social Networks: Expert Opinion

10.06.2024 17:14

Many people underestimate the danger social media poses to relationships.

It is no secret that this is no longer such a rare cause of divorces and separations.

But there are not always reasons to sound the alarm, experts are sure.

social networks
Photo: Pixabay

In what case should you be jealous of a lady on social networks

She began to actively publish photos with subtext

If your lady love is not a model or blogger, then this symptom is alarming. It means that in real life she lacks warmth and attention.

Therefore, you should start complimenting the girl more often and spending time with her.

She started hiding her phone

It's not just men who can have a virtual romance: women often want romance, beautiful words and promises from strangers.

If you notice that the girl has increasingly started hiding her phone when you appear, then it makes sense to think about what she is hiding.

The number of fans has increased

You yourself know very well that men will not hide their sympathy: they always write compliments and try to invite the lady they like on a date.

If your girlfriend is not completely happy in the relationship, then one day she will agree to this.

Earlier we talked about why some men propose almost immediately .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. In what case should you be jealous of a lady on social networks
  2. She began to actively publish photos with subtext
  3. She started hiding her phone
  4. The number of fans has increased

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