Not every man is capable of admitting to the lady he likes that he can only offer a relationship of an “entertaining nature”.
If you don’t want to waste your time on such a fan, then you should learn to identify him right away.
It is enough to simply analyze his words and actions in order to draw the right conclusions, experts note.

What signs will help with this?
He can confess his love even before a real meeting
Nowadays, many acquaintances take place on social networks and specialized applications, so at first people communicate through correspondence, calls and video calls.
This is a very convenient way to understand whether it is worth seeing a person at all.
But don't be fooled: it is impossible to fall in love with photos, conversations, or even your image during a video call. As a rule, this is a common manipulation in order to quickly persuade a lady to intimacy.
Men are sure that no woman will resist if you confess your love to her. However, a serious man will never do this.
He immediately hints at intimate topics
In order for a relationship to be considered serious, several meetings must take place without physical contact.
People get to know each other, start to experience emotions and feelings. Only after several dates can intimacy be allowed.
If a man does not try to "speed up the process", then you have a very worthy person in front of you, with whom you can consider a serious relationship.
If the hints happen almost immediately, then nothing sensible will come of it: you just realize that the man behaves this way with all the women he meets. After this thought, all illusions about him should disappear.
The man does not seek to know you as a person and a human being.
It is important to understand that in order to create a relationship you need to know the person well: a beautiful appearance alone will not be enough for this.
If a man does not take the initiative in this matter, then he only expects intimacy.
Earlier we talked about the signs that indicate that a man is not right for you .