Why a man does not trust a woman: 3 reasons, but the most important ones

24.05.2024 19:39

People should trust each other or at least confide in each other. This is especially important when it comes to close relationships.

Even a shadow of doubt in such cases inevitably leads to discord. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the reasons why a man does not trust a woman.

Let's look at three reasons that experts believe are decisive.

Photo: Pixabay

Experience from past relationships

This mostly happens to trusting and open people. There are such people among men too.

As happens in such stories, at the most inopportune moment he suddenly found out that the woman he loved was laughing at his sincerity or did not value his actions at all.

Therefore, ladies should not discuss such intimate moments in detail with their girlfriends or relatives. After all, everything secret has one stubborn property - it always becomes obvious.

Insecurity and self-esteem

Self-esteem issues put the best qualities of a partner at risk.

In this particular case, an offended man may suddenly imagine that a decent woman simply could not pay attention to him, who is unworthy.

He will immediately start making up all sorts of nasty things about her. For example, that she doesn't love him, but uses him, and so on down the slope.

He will begin to find fault with the past, then with the present, and soon he will grasp at any reason to justify his mistrust.

He has something to hide

If a man is unfaithful, he may think that his woman is unfaithful to him. There is no need to comment on this. After all, as they say, a thief's hat is on fire.

Earlier we talked about how to say hurtful things to your husband without offending him .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Experience from past relationships
  2. Insecurity and self-esteem
  3. He has something to hide

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