After this, you can't count on a second date: don't give in to persuasion

08.04.2024 19:23

Not everyone can make the right conclusion about a person after a five-minute meeting. But you can go on dates endlessly, trying to understand someone else's psychology.

In the end, it turns out that time was wasted or, even worse, a mistake was made that is either difficult or impossible to correct.

Experts have explained in which cases you don’t have to go on a second date, and it’s better not to give in to persuasion.

Photo: © Belnovosti

True signs

Firstly, if you start looking for positive qualities or attractive features in your new acquaintance.

It's not quite right to persuade yourself to go to a meeting with a person you don't really want to see.

Secondly, if the conversation didn’t go well at the first meeting or the partner only talked about himself, lied or criticized, bragged, spoke negatively about relatives or exes, etc.

Thirdly, if after such a “romantic” evening you were not accompanied at least to the public transport stop, no one called you, or it seemed all the time that your partner was trying to slip away.


The best thing to do after the first meeting is to weigh everything carefully. You shouldn't expect that on the second date everything will be as you dreamed.

Earlier we talked about how to end a relationship without conflict.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. True signs
  2. Conclusions

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