Love does not always bring pleasant emotions, especially if it is unrequited.
It's even worse when people whose feelings are unrequited become fixated on them instead of letting them go.
We won’t argue – voluntarily giving up someone you want to be with is extremely difficult, but it needs to be done.

In this article, you will find a way to channel your experiences into a much healthier direction.
All you need to do is stop romanticizing suffering.
In reality, unrequited love has little in common with the bittersweet euphoria portrayed in art and pop culture.
In terms of passion, sacrifice and commitment, relationships with unrequited feelings are less emotional than those with reciprocity.
The only feeling that is felt more strongly in this case is confusion (you must admit, it is not very pleasant).
In addition, unrequited feelings are associated with low self-esteem, self-doubt, anxiety and depression.
All these findings made by scientists clearly demonstrate why one should not be “inspired” by unrequited love. We already need time to sort out complex feelings, and romanticization only prolongs this difficult period.
Previously, we talked about how to prepare for a first date .