Why your partner is not happy about your success: experts named 3 main reasons

19.03.2024 10:15

In a healthy and strong relationship, partners always rejoice in each other's successes.

Moreover, they help and support you in every possible way on the way to your goal.

But sometimes we encounter indifference, devaluation and misunderstanding, experts note.

Why doesn't our loved one rejoice at our successes?

He recalls his own failed ambitions

If a person has an unhealthy relationship with self-esteem and society, he or she may perceive other people’s successes as a personal insult or challenge.

Such people are not even pleased by the achievements of their loved ones.

Photo: Pixabay

They see this as a reproach towards themselves. However, this is a very harmful position both for the person himself and for the relationship as a whole. Instead of envying, your negative emotions should be directed in the right direction. Start developing yourself in the direction you need to become better.

Fear of loss

Some people are sure that personal success will make you look at your partner differently. You will notice how far he or she is from ideal and perfection and simply doubt the need to continue the relationship.

After all, you can now confidently lay claim to someone more worthy.

Such people should carefully work through their self-esteem issues. After all, what matters to us is not how successful our partner is, but our feelings for him.


Some people by nature do not know how to rejoice in other people's achievements and behave quite toxically. Therefore, it is worth working on your reaction so as not to "poison" your partner's life with your devaluation.

Earlier we talked about the signs that indicate that a man does not appreciate you .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. Why doesn't our loved one rejoice at our successes?
  2. He recalls his own failed ambitions
  3. Fear of loss
  4. Toxicity