How a woman can understand a man: it is enough to know 5 simple truths

12.03.2024 19:06

Men believe that there is no logic in a woman's actions, women insist on the opposite. The result is misunderstanding, discord, quarrels.

But if you know five simple truths about a man, it will be much easier for a woman to establish a relationship. The response will not take long to come.

Experts have named 5 truths about men that every woman should know and remember.

Calls and correspondence

Men can't talk on the phone for so long and constantly write long emails and messages.

They use short formulations, prefer to formulate the question unambiguously, and if they do not answer, it means they want to discuss the issue face-to-face.

Photo: Pixabay

Words and deeds

You can talk about something endlessly, or you can just go and do it. This rule applies to everything, including a declaration of love.

If your significant other hasn’t said warm words or given you flowers for a long time, remember how patiently he drove you shopping, waited at the hairdresser’s, or helped you in the kitchen.

Desired and Reality

Every woman wants her man to be the best. But that is exactly what her man is.

It's hard to believe, but every man wants the woman next to him to be happy. It's an axiom.

Feelings and trials

There is no need to test the strength of the relationship. It is possible from time to time - this motivates the man.

But if you abuse the ladies' tricks, then one day you might hear something offensive in response like "hysterical", and then - that's it.

Just values

The most important thing for a man is his freedom. Freedom to make decisions, choose, be silent, speak, and so on.

So don't force him to choose between you and his favorite activity, etc. This is a mistake and leads to a real dead end.

Earlier we talked about what you need to do to make your partner always feel desired .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Calls and correspondence
  2. Words and deeds
  3. Desired and Reality
  4. Feelings and trials
  5. Just values