Everyone knows that love knows no age.
But at the same time, many forget that in each period a person can face different problems.
As experts note, from 35 to 45, many can experience a personality crisis, when the burden of unfulfilled expectations accumulates.
During this period, people may feel their emotions and problems more acutely. All this may affect the relationship with the partner.
For example, it may be more difficult to find a compromise, to resolve conflicts even if they are domestic and should not in any way affect mutual understanding in a couple.
The focus of interests may also shift.
In addition, self-esteem may suffer.
The thing is that at this age, age-related changes become more obvious. As a result, a person begins to pick on his or her partner's appearance too much.
Ultimately, low self-esteem can even lead to separation.
Earlier we talked about hidden signs of disrespect in a couple.