What words and actions are not beneficial to relationships: 7 main mistakes named by experts

20.02.2024 11:28

It's not just words or actions that can harm a couple's relationship, but inaction as well.

According to experts, problems arise when unnecessary things are said and when important things are not finished. But this is not the only problem that leads to discord.

Experts have named the main words, actions and inactions that can kill the best feelings in a couple.

Photo: © Belnovosti

First of all, experts say that harmonious relationships are work.

There must be two people equally involved in this process.

7 main mistakes

Firstly, those who cannot or do not want to directly speak about their needs and desires are mistaken.

Secondly, everyone who forces their partner to change and become the way they would like to see them is wrong.

Thirdly, if partners do not accept each other’s point of view, then their relationship is doomed to failure.

Fourth, you cannot avoid or avoid conversations on difficult topics.

Fifthly, it is important to be able to admit your mistakes, guilt, and in general to be able to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

Sixthly, no matter what the feelings are, it is extremely important that each partner has their own interests, hobbies and the opportunity to meet with friends.

Seventh, don't ignore your partner's past life experiences.

Previously, we talked about what you can and cannot do after a breakup.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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