Why a wise woman does not seek to build a relationship with a handsome and wealthy man: the opinion of experts

26.01.2024 16:40

An important feature of wise women is that they approach relationships and the choice of men very pragmatically.

Some may find this approach cynical, but such ladies are truly capable of building a strong family with a person who is ideal for them.

Therefore, there is always something to learn from wise representatives of the stronger sex.

Photo: Pixabay

For example, they do not seek to build relationships with handsome and wealthy men.

Why does this happen?

Too much competition

There will always be a high "demand" for such men: a wealthy and attractive man is the ultimate dream of any lady. Such girls are rarely stopped by the presence of a permanent companion or even a wife: a certain category of ladies will always try to achieve their goal.

If you don't want to be in a "competition" all the time, then maybe you should switch to other men.

The man knows his merits very well

It is naive to assume that a man does not suspect that he is in "demand". Therefore, such a man will not give 100% in a relationship: he will always have other options in reserve.

Therefore, a man considers himself a real “prize” and “gift” for which it is worth being grateful.

You will have to constantly prove that you are worthy of it, experts say.

Earlier we talked about whether beauty helps you meet a worthy partner .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. Why does this happen?
  2. Too much competition
  3. The man knows his merits very well

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