Surely you have come across stories about ladies who charmed men so much that their admirers never made the first step towards breaking up.
Many people envy such girls, because it means that they are unique and special.
What kind of women do men never leave themselves?
If a woman has an objectively attractive appearance that can be compared with actresses or models, then any man will appreciate such a girl.

Truly beautiful women are extremely rarely "gotten" by ordinary men, as they attract the attention of very wealthy admirers.
Bright personalities
But it is difficult to build a relationship on just a beautiful appearance, so it is worth mentioning that men are also in no hurry to leave spiritually bright women.
In today's world, it is so rare to meet a person who is distinguished by his or her way of thinking and character traits. That is why bright women are highly valued.
Many people think that a woman's independence is an obstacle to creating strong and lasting relationships, since men are afraid of them and prefer not to get involved.
Experts believe that this is a misconception. Only those men who dream of putting their companion in a state of constant dependence on him are afraid of independent women. And this is far from the healthiest desire.
Independent women always inspire men. In order to truly conquer such a lady, you will have to put in a lot of effort.