What 5 Difficulties All People Face in Marriage: Expert Opinion

11.10.2023 10:16

Marriage is an important stage in a person's life, as it indicates his seriousness and readiness for "adult" life.

There are many advantages to starting a family, but there are also disadvantages.

If you don't want your marriage to break up prematurely, you need to know about these disadvantages in advance. Besides, there is nothing critical about them, since all people face them and in most cases find ways to cope with them.

Photo: Pixabay

What are the disadvantages of marriage that you should remember?

A fleeting affair can destroy a family

This point is especially important to understand for people who fall in love and are not used to controlling themselves in terms of intimate relationships and flirting.

For you, an affair may be a momentary entertainment, but it will be a reason to end the family. Therefore, you should only get married if you are ready to give up outside connections.

The need to "coordinate" vacation schedules

Families should vacation together as this helps strengthen relationships and is an effective preventative measure against holiday romances.

Sometimes it's difficult to coordinate schedules, but it needs to be done.

Everyone must think for two

Thoughts that were permissible for a single person are no longer allowed. Family people cannot quit their jobs and move to another country without family advice.

Even large purchases are best discussed together to avoid resentment and mutual claims, experts note.


This point is easy to get around if you are creative in your approach to marriage and life in general. Many people feel frustrated because in marriage every day is like the previous one.

Therefore, both spouses should try to bring a sense of novelty into the relationship.

Lack of personal space

In a family, it is extremely difficult to find even an hour of free time that could be spent alone, so personal space becomes an unaffordable luxury.

In this case, it is important to learn how to plan your time correctly in order to restore strength and peace of mind.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the disadvantages of marriage that you should remember?
  2. A fleeting affair can destroy a family
  3. The need to "coordinate" vacation schedules
  4. Everyone must think for two
  5. Monotony
  6. Lack of personal space

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