What are 3 signs that a woman will cheat in a relationship: expert opinion

26.09.2023 13:01

Many people naively believe that women cheat less often in relationships, but this is not true: the fair sex simply hides their affairs more carefully.

If you don't want to be deceived, then you should pay attention to the clear signs that indicate that a woman is unlikely to remain faithful to you.

How do they manifest themselves?

A huge number of "good friends" and "just acquaintances"

You may think that the fact of men in a lady's circle is harmless. However, in most cases, an intimate relationship has either already taken place or will take place in the foreseeable future.

Photo: Pixabay

In most cases, people find friends within their gender. If a girl is constantly in the company of men, then this is not the most pleasant sign for her partner.

At the time of the meeting the lady was not free

Experts point out that you shouldn’t start a relationship with a woman who is not free: if she shows that she is capable of cheating, then you will one day find yourself in the same situation.

Therefore, choose your companion among free girls.

Be careful with your phone

If a girl is extremely careful with her phone and doesn’t pick it up in your presence, then it’s quite possible that she has more than one admirer.

So it's worth paying attention to important signs even before you start a relationship.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. How do they manifest themselves?
  2. A huge number of "good friends" and "just acquaintances"
  3. At the time of the meeting the lady was not free
  4. Be careful with your phone

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