How to Refresh a Relationship If You've Been Married for a Long Time: Recommendations from Psychologists

14.09.2023 10:16

If you have been in a serious relationship for more than five years, it means that you are happy with it.

However, sometimes we lack romance, bright emotions and pleasant sensations.

You shouldn't shift the responsibility for the relationship only to the man, because many women expect that their partner should constantly surprise and delight them.

Photo: Pixabay

A man is mostly busy earning money so that his family does not need anything. Therefore, it is not worth "burdening" him with additional responsibility.

How to Refresh Your Relationship If You've Been Married for a Long Time

Talk about more than just everyday issues

The mistake many couples make is that they are absorbed in everyday life and solving issues related to it. In this case, spouses turn into real relatives. This is, of course, good, but with this approach, you can forget about romance and sensuality.

Therefore, it is worth regularly talking about abstract topics so that a man sees you as a person, and not just a housewife, mother and wife.

For those who have children

With the appearance of children, life rises to a fundamentally new level: people become happy parents. But this also poses a danger to relationships.

Many women spend all their energy on caring for a child, and forget about their husband at that moment. This desire of a woman is understandable and explainable, but a man is also a living person with his own emotional needs.

Experts note that it is extremely important not to lose your beloved man when caring for children.

Joint vacation

Some couples "take a break" from each other, preferring to travel separately. This often indicates emotional distance.

That's why it's worth going on holiday together, because it will help you enjoy each other's company in a pleasant environment.

Home comfort or attractive appearance

Some women do not care at all about how they look at home. Therefore, they can choose even untidy things, not take care of their appearance and look completely unpresentable.

There is another extreme: ladies even at home wear spectacular makeup, hair and dress beautifully. It is worth understanding that a man is not very pleased to see how his wife does not worry about her appearance in his presence. As if strangers are much more important, so when she goes out, she begins to put on makeup and carefully select an outfit.

Therefore, it is worth finding the optimal solution for your home that will allow you to look beautiful without sacrificing your right to comfort.


Many people in marriage ruin the romance themselves, believing that dating is no longer necessary. But it allows you to spend a couple of hours in the company of your loved one in a beautiful place with delicious food and wonderful drinks.

We are distracted from everyday needs and begin to look at our partner differently.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. How to Refresh Your Relationship If You've Been Married for a Long Time
  2. Talk about more than just everyday issues
  3. For those who have children
  4. Joint vacation
  5. Home comfort or attractive appearance
  6. Dating

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