4 Signs of Learned Helplessness Syndrome: Help You Recognize It

09.03.2023 17:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 13:41

Learned helplessness is a set of attitudes that are formed at a subconscious level. A person who has them does not believe that he can change the negative circumstances of life.

He tried to improve the situation, but could fail several times, finally believing that he is not capable of anything. At some point, a feeling of helplessness is formed, which the individual may not realize, that those around him may not fully understand.

But it is always possible to understand that in a particular case we are talking about learned helplessness syndrome. Several signs will clearly indicate it.

Fear of action

A person simply does not want to take responsibility. He will be sure that nothing will work out, that later he will have to blush and justify himself.

He will spend months making plans, but will not begin to implement his ideas. Any good prospects will look pale against the backdrop of the need to be responsible for his actions.

Photo: Pixabay

Fear of difficulties

If an individual does take on something, he will not bring it to completion. The whole point is that in the process of any work, difficulties and problems arise, and with the syndrome of learned helplessness, a person will not want to face them.

He will be afraid that he won’t be able to cope, so he will immediately retreat.


A person can change his activity on them. He will devote a lot of time to unimportant matters, while ignoring something important.

For example, he may not prepare for a presentation, may not write a report, but go home, remembering that he needs to wash the windows. In this way, he avoids solving complex problems.

Behavioral instability

In learned helplessness syndrome, there are periods when the individual behaves in the most normal way. But at other times, he may become aggressive and irritable, and may begin to experience difficulties concentrating.

He may be inhibited, tired. He will hardly be able to work in such a state.

Such signs clearly indicate learned helplessness syndrome. It needs to be addressed to avoid negative consequences.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Fear of action
  2. Fear of difficulties
  3. Pseudogoals
  4. Behavioral instability