4 tips to develop your child's imagination

27.01.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 16:48

Creative thinking is necessary for every adult. Over the years, it becomes increasingly difficult to develop it, because stereotypes and prejudices appear.

You need to learn to think in a special way from childhood, and mom and dad can help with this. It is worth mentioning right away that you should not aim for large-scale goals. This can only tire the child, kill his motivation and zeal for learning.

It is best to start with developing fantasy, imagination. And a few simple tips can help with this.

Read literature

You should choose works of art. But you should not do it in such a way that you start the story and finish it. You need to read to the middle, and then ask the child to think of what might happen next.

You can make up fairy tales yourself, write their beginnings. Then the child can continue, come up with his own story.

Photo: Pixabay


The easiest way to do this is outside during a walk. You can ask the child to look at the uncle standing at the bus stop, at the aunt crossing the road, and think about what kind of life they live.

If you can’t go outside because of the weather, you can look at photographs, pictures, and make up stories about those depicted in them.

Role-playing games

You can play a store, a bank, a library. The child can be an employee of the establishment, or can be its client.

It is important to create different communication situations, to let the child express himself in them. This way he will become resourceful, will come up with answers to different questions faster.

To accustom to beauty

This can be done in different ways. You can visit exhibitions and performances with your child, you can admire beautiful landscapes and photographs. You shouldn't stop there.

It is necessary to move on, to create something independently. You can draw with your child, sculpt, make crafts from various materials. In the process, he will include imagination, will fantasize, improve this skill.

Such techniques will give results that will be noticeable. Parents only need to systematically resort to their use, to apply them in practice regularly.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Read literature
  2. Observe
  3. Role-playing games
  4. To accustom to beauty