When to Quit: 4 Sure Signs

26.01.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 16:08

Losing a job is an event that is difficult to call pleasant. Even leaving an unloved position, being fired from an organization that you didn’t like, is accompanied by stress.

Any person tries to delay an unpleasant moment, to postpone making a difficult decision. He can mentally prepare for leaving work, he can give himself time. But sometimes it is not worth delaying too long.

It may be time to quit, which the individual needs to clearly understand. There will be several signs that indicate this.

Photo: Pixabay


And it can appear for petty reasons, and sometimes without them. It will be observed at work, at home, everywhere. This will show that the individual is not satisfied with the state of affairs in the professional sphere, which is important for him in any case.

What is especially alarming is that the peak of irritability occurs during working hours. This is a signal that it is time to leave the position.

Abstraction from the collective

Previously, a person could be interested in colleagues, he could spend a lot of time with them, could have lunch with them, meet after work. But his interest in such activities could disappear. He can only say hello and goodbye, can speak only on business.

This may be the case if the company's goals and his personal ones have become too different. In this case, it is worth considering changing jobs.

It's all too simple

A person can handle his duties without difficulty, can do it on autopilot. This indicates that his qualifications are too high for the position he occupies.

He stopped developing while working in the company, stopped in one place. If he wants to continue learning something, then he should not stay in a specific place for a long time.

There is no fear of punishment

Mistakes and failures at work always have consequences. A person who is interested in further work will do everything perfectly, will try to do everything clearly.

But someone may lose the fear of punishment, and become indifferent to the fact that it may follow. This indicates that the work itself has lost its value, that the individual no longer sees any point in holding on to it.

These signs cannot be ignored. They indicate the need to quit. And it is better to do it as soon as possible.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Irritability
  2. Abstraction from the collective
  3. It's all too simple
  4. There is no fear of punishment