4 tips for parents before kindergarten: must be applied before visiting the institution

24.01.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 15:00

Starting kindergarten is always stressful for a child. Parents know this and are nervous before such an important event.

They are preparing for a new stage of their child's growing up, buying things that will be needed, collecting documents. All this is important and necessary, you can't do without it. But no less attention should be paid to the psychological preparation of the baby for the fact that he will soon become a member of a children's group.

It requires a serious approach, which mom and dad understand. They may become anxious, they may get lost. Psychologists have given some advice for this case, which will help prepare any child for going to kindergarten, help him adapt to the new environment faster.

Practice communicating

You can start doing this much earlier than the time to go to kindergarten. But before going there, you need to focus on communication.

It is necessary to go with the baby to playgrounds, let him interact with other children, with their parents. This way he will develop communication skills, due to this it will be easier for him to find a common language with the children in the group.

Photo: Pixabay

Establish a daily routine

It is especially important to practice early rising. A few months before kindergarten, you need to accustom your child to getting up earlier, gradually approaching the 7 o'clock rise.

This will make it easier for him to wake up when kindergarten starts. It is also important to go to bed earlier so that the baby has time to get enough sleep. It would be ideal if he falls asleep at 9 pm.

Teach self-care skills

Of course, a child can always turn to a teacher if he needs something, which is why he should be taught to communicate. But it will not be superfluous for him to be able to take care of himself.

It is necessary to teach him to tie shoelaces, fasten a zipper and buttons, put on outerwear, gloves and mittens. In this case, it will be much easier for him in the garden.

Visit the kindergarten in advance

You should visit the kindergarten once or several times before you start going there. It is worth doing this during a walk. The environment there will remind the child of the one that reigns in the yard.

It will be easier for him to establish contact with the kids in this case, he will find a common language with someone faster. You can also talk to the neighbors, ask if their child goes to a specific kindergarten. It will be good if the kid knows someone in the group in advance.

Such simple tips will help make the process of adapting a child to kindergarten much easier. It will not be completely simple, but it will still pass with the least losses.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Practice communicating
  2. Establish a daily routine
  3. Teach self-care skills
  4. Visit the kindergarten in advance