4 Questions to Consider to Get a Divorce the Right Way

17.01.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 11:56

Divorce is an event that can hardly be called pleasant. Even if the relationship with your spouse has recently begun to leave much to be desired, the state during it will still not be good.

It won't be possible to avoid this, but you can still make your lot easier. To do this, you need to properly prepare for the event, weigh everything.

Talking to yourself will help you do this. Before a divorce, you need to ask yourself a few questions to put everything in its place and start acting consciously.

Have you been under any serious stress lately?

It happens that the spouse is the only one who takes out anger, and there are no problems in the relationship itself. In such a case, conflicts may occur, squabbles may take place. All this is tiring, deprives the desire to be with the loved one.

If there was no stress, if there are no financial or other problems in the family that are simply depressing, if the matter is something really serious, then you can think seriously about divorce.

Photo: Pixabay

Are your expectations of marriage too high?

You should never put up with humiliation and insults. But if there are none, then you should think about what is generally expected from a marriage that can exist, what an ideal spouse should be like.

It is necessary to evaluate whether it is realistic for all the virtues to be combined in him, for him to earn a lot, and to always be there, and to run the household. If everything is fine, if nothing special is required from the partner, then you can not continue the relationship.

Is there anyone extra?

You may want something new after many years of living together. But in this case, you shouldn't rush into divorce or look for a new partner. It would be better to work on the existing union and refresh something in it.

You can get a divorce if you have a serious relationship on the side that has prospects. An affair should not be a reason for such a step.

Is there love?

Sometimes it is not visible behind fatigue and stress. If these exist, if they have made themselves known, then you need to work with them, and not get divorced.

If there are no feelings left at all, then it is worth going to the registry office. But the tiny spark of love is worth kindling.

These questions need to be answered honestly. Only then will you be able to make a final decision about divorce and not regret it later.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Have you been under any serious stress lately?
  2. Are your expectations of marriage too high?
  3. Is there anyone extra?
  4. Is there love?