Adultery, and male infidelity in particular, is such a fascinating topic that the experts who study it never tire of making new discoveries.
It turns out that not all men are flighty and frivolous about marriage. There are those who would never take advantage of the opportunity or right to go "left."
But experts believe there is nothing to be happy about. Only in one out of three cases does this indicate a real man of the highest caliber.

Reasons to think
Firstly, psychologists believe that men who have some problems in their bodies are the ones who do not cheat.
In simple terms, it is enough for him to make love to his wife once or twice, but he will not be able to satisfy the needs of two women.
Secondly, a man who values a sofa and a TV more than any other pleasures will also not go looking for adventure.
The reason is terribly simple - he will be too lazy to do it, or he will be afraid of losing the level of comfort that he has achieved in life.
Or maybe he just doesn’t want to spend money on dubious entertainment?
Or is he afraid of publicity with all the ensuing consequences – divorce, division of movable and immovable property?
A real man
And only in this case you will not have to doubt either the feelings or the qualities of the gentleman you have chosen.
He will never agree to cheating if he loves a woman and has the highest feelings for her.
Even if he is not satisfied with something in the character of his chosen one, he will rather decide to have a substantive conversation, but not to betray her.
However, once you get such a specimen, be prepared to meet all its demands.