Not everyone knows how to clean a kitchen apron.
Marina Michalap kitchen cleaning the kitchen wash the apron in the kitchen Useful tips 30 October 2024Not everyone knows how to clean a kitchen apron from grease and dirt.
Marina Michalap wash the apron in the kitchen cleaning the kitchen tips for housewives Useful tips 23 August 2024The designer told how to choose the right apron for the kitchen.
Igor Zur Designer's tips kitchen renovation material color selection Design and interior 3 August 2024An apron is not only a piece of clothing worn by cooks. The same name is given to the tiled section of the wall between the countertop and the kitchen cabinets.
Kurchev Anton tiles in the kitchen small tiles mistakes Designer's tips Design and interior 28 June 2024No matter how hard you try, you can’t imagine a kitchen without an apron. This element is needed to protect the walls from splashes of water, steam, greasy stains, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen kitchen apron design finishing materials Designer's tips Design and interior 27 June 2024As you know, when you put a countertop and a backsplash together in the kitchen, a gap forms between them – albeit a small one.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen table top baseboard Designer's tips Design and interior 23 May 2024There are truly countless options for finishing materials for aprons: mosaics, marble, porcelain stoneware and many others.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen kitchen design Designer's tips tile Design and interior 4 May 2024When choosing materials for the kitchen, interior design specialists first and foremost consider their practicality and functionality.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen Interior wallpaper Designer's tips Design and interior 16 April 2024This part of the wall should be properly finished. In this case, the room will acquire a beautiful appearance.
Kurchev Anton kitchen kitchen design color selection Designer's tips Design and interior 6 April 2024When choosing a material for a kitchen apron, you should consider at least the color and style of the interior.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen finishing materials Designer's tips Interior Design and interior 31 January 2024A mirrored kitchen apron is undoubtedly a stylish and modern design solution.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen design kitchens mirror Designer's tips mirror kitchen apron Design and interior 11 January 2024