From year to year, many summer residents face the same problem.
It consists in the fact that vegetables sent to the cellar for storage begin to rot or dry out.
Moreover, root crops spoil even if all suitable conditions have been created for them: the storage facility is dry, the appropriate temperature is maintained, and high-quality ventilation is provided.

The reason should be sought in the mistakes that farmers themselves often make.
The first mistake is that the harvest was not properly prepared for storage.
If you don't want similar troubles to happen to you, before sending potatoes and beets to the cellar, clean them from dirt (without using water) and dry them, leaving them in a dark place.
After this, sort through the harvested crop to discard fruits with damage or cuts.
The second mistake is using storage bags.
As a result of the pressure, potatoes and beets begin to spoil prematurely.
It would be ideal if the fruits did not touch each other at all, but few people have a cellar of such a size that they could distribute the harvest in one layer.
Therefore, it is worth at least putting the vegetables in boxes.
By the way, it is worth adding sand to boxes with beets and carrots, which will protect them from fungus.